We have made information available which could prove useful in the event of a disaster or accident in Japan.
Please make effective use of it.
Emergency Contact Information
Below is the contact information for an emergency hotline that is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
During a Disaster or Emergency
Japan Visitor Hotline
-Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) Call Center
We offer consulting services for novel coronavirus related inquiries.English・中文簡体字・中文繁体字・한국어・日本語
When Caught Up in an Accident or Crime
Police (Toll-Free)
Some Foreign-language Services Available
In the Event of Illness, Injury or Fire
Ambulance・Fire Department (Toll-Free)
Some Foreign-language Services Available
Useful Information for Emergencies
Below is a list of foreign-language websites and tools used to distribute information regarding disasters, evacuation sites, hospitals where you can receive medical treatment, etc.
Finding Disaster and Disaster Prevention Information
JNTO Global Website
In the event of a disaster, the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) global website can be accessed for disaster-related links.
Disaster information provider app「Safety tips」
Distributes disaster-related information to foreign tourists / visitors.
For each disaster or issued warning, an evacuation action flowchart that takes into account the conditions of the surrounding area can also be checked.English・中文簡体字・中文繁体字・한국어・Tiếng Việt・Português・日本語 Other
Japan Shelter Guide
Japan Meteorological Agency Multilingual Page
Weather (weather, heavy rain, high temperature, etc.), earthquake, tsunami, and volcano information is announced.
English・中文簡体字・中文繁体字・한국어・Tiếng Việt・Português・日本語 Other
How to Search for Routes/Fares for Trains/Planes
Japan Transit Planner
The service, Japan Transit Planner - helps you to search routes, fares and schedules of trains and air planes all over Japan.
English・中文簡体字・中文繁体字・한국어・Tiếng Việt・Português・日本語 Other
When You Want to go to Hospital
Medical Institution Search Engine for Foreign Visitors / Tourists
Medical institutions which provide treatment in foreign languages can be searched by department and language.
The guidebook contains how to apply to a medical institution in Japan, finger-pointconversation sheets which are useful to convey symptoms.
When You Need Translation Services
Multilingual voice translation system(VoiceTra)
This is a voice recognition translation app for foreign languages. You can also use it to translate text.
English・中文簡体字・中文繁体字・한국어・Tiếng Việt・日本語 Other
Everyday Risk and Casualty Insurance
There are broadly three different types of risks you may encounter while travelling.
If you already have travel insurance, or any other kind of insurance that covers travel-related risks, from your home country, we highly recommend rechecking your coverage details.
It is important to understand the amount you are insured for, the period of the insurance coverage, the applicable terms and conditions, as well as the type of compensation you are eligible to receive.
Risk of Injury and Illness
"Overseas Travel Insurance" covers you for medical fees, hospitalization charges, etc., which may be incurred while abroad.
While overseas travel insurance is typically entered into before departure from your home country, it is possible to sign up for overseas travel insurance even after entering Japan.
Overseas Travel Insurance for Foreign Visitors to Japan
For more details, please inquire at the airport or a tourist information center.

The risk of injuring someone or damaging another person's property
"Overseas Travel Insurance" is a form of insurance that protects against expenses that would otherwise be payable in the event you accidentally injure someone or damage another person's property.
While overseas travel insurance is typically entered into before departure from your home country, it is possible to sign up for overseas travel insurance even after entering Japan.
For more details, please inquire at the airport or a tourist information center.

Rental Car Risk
It is advisable to take out your own automobile insurance policy, otherwise you may have to pay a significant sum of money in the event of a traffic accident while driving a rental vehicle.
While automobile insurance is generally required for renting a vehicle (insurance premiums are typically included in the rental car fee), it is highly recommended to confirm the details as the scope and degree of coverage differs between rental companies.
Furthermore, Japanese traffic rules may not necessarily be the same as those in your home country, and so you should take special care when driving.
Understanding Japanese Traffic Rules
When You Want Driving Advice
The General Insurance Association of Japan's Tools for Foreigners
Precautions for Using Rental Car Services

Japanese Residents
There are four types of risks surrounding daily life in Japan.
Housing Risk
Dwellings in Japan are exposed not only to the risk of fire, but also to typhoons and heavy rain.
In addition, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis are serious risks with a higher possibility of occurring than in most other nations.
The anticipated level of risk and the amount of preparation required differs greatly depending on the owner of the dwelling.
Risk of Traffic Accidents
As traffic accidents occur at the rate of one-per-minute in Japan, it is possible that you may be a victim or found to be at fault in a traffic accident.
Do you drive, ride a motorcycle, ride a bicycle, or do you walk?
As risks differ according to the type of vehicle used, we have to prepare accordingly.
Risk of Injury and Illness
Japan has a public health insurance system.
Foreign residents, excluding short- term visitors, etc. are also required to enroll in it.
Such health insurance, however, does not cover all medical expenses.
Certain costs have to be paid by the patient.
The risk of injuring someone or damaging another person's property
You may have to pay compensation if you injure someone or damage another person's property.
In such instances, you may face a claim for damages in the form of high medical expenses or repair bills.